Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Not a ski instructor

Just in case you thought Peta had picked up a ‘hot’ ski instructor in the snow you are wrong.

This is my cousin ‘Steve’ and while his partner ‘Justine’ may think he is ‘hot’, he is not a ski instructor and he is not in the snow.

Steve makes salt for Rio Tinto in Port Hedland. Here's how its done.

Sea water is pumped into a series of lagoons.

The water evaporates over 18 months and leaves behind a 2 foot thick slab of salt. It’s then graded, pumped into trucks, washed and used for a range of purposes including table salt, caustic products, mining and other things that I can’t recall right now.

Steve, Justine, Zac, Ruby and Clancy moved up here a couple of years ago from Gippsland. We had 3 great days at the Ezzy van park and timed our run nicely with Mary Ann and Brian also in town. Steve turned 42 on the Friday - he is so old!

Thanks for the tours, chainsaw impersonation, power and general good times.

This is Steve with a hat and some strange buccaneer pose.

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